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Pelsue Safety Equipment & Confined Space Products
Selecting the right equipment for your workers, proper usage and training is a crucial decision that a safety manager must face. We offer a full line of Pelsue Safety Equipment & confined space entry and retrieval products. We also offer regular equipment training sessions or workshops to be scheduled at your facility or at a dedicated training facility as a hands-on full equipment training, in a fully controlled pre-set environment that will mimic exact or potentially hazardous gases environments created specifically to train your workers to make them feel actual hazards presented to them during the session, to train them to make the right decisions to overcome any potentially grave or deadly situation. This state of the art facility is located in Miami-Dade Water Sewer Training Facility in Florida. Please contact us for further details, special training sessions with options to video tape for further training needs. If products are to be used in less hazardous environments, we can recommend and offer you some of the most innovative and easy to use products available. Questions are welcome, and advice is freely given. Contact us we will have all your questions answered.
Portable Ventilation & Headers

Manhole Equipment
Lighting Explosion Proof Fiber Optic
Fall Arrest Protection Equipment (Harnesses, Man-hoists/Davit arms, Retrieval Systems, Self retracting life lines, Winches)

Duct Rodders & Sump Pumps

Rescue Reels Self Contained and Salt Water Resistant

Pesue Catalor Direct Link

Pelsue Gas Monitors Hand Held


Aircraft 400HZ
Airfield Lighting
Airfield Signage
Boarding Bridge
Docking System
Other GSE
PCA Ducts/Hose
Safety Support
Smart Power